Thursday, December 2, 2010

Worry and Worship Are Mutually Exclusive

Basic Principles of a Prayer and its nature that the Word of God teaches us in Bible.

Philippians 4

I once worked as a Sales Manager in a retail store. One particular day, a lady walks into my department and announces -"I don't want this item."  I responded, "Fine, if you just give it to me, I'll be happy to help you find something else you do like."  "No," answers the lady, "I don't want to give this up." 

Perhaps you're as confused as I was by now.  But did you know that's how many Christians pray?
"Lord, I have a problem that I'm worried about."  "Fine," responds the Lord.  "Exchange those worries for my matchless peace."  "Oh no, I'd rather keep worrying."

When we refuse to turn our worries over to God, we forfeit his peace.  That's a good reason for you to make a "worry list" of the anxieties you're nursing right now and turn it into a prayer list.  Then you, too can enjoy "God's peace" (Philippians 4:7), which is the only possible by knowing the "God of peace." (Philippians 4:9).