Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Basic Principles of a Prayer

On my first blog of the topic "The Nature of Prayer". I spoke about the precious lessons Jesus teaches us in the "Lord Prayer". As a model for us to use when we pray. Now I am going to discuss some basic principles for prayer that Jesus also teach us prior to give the Lord Prayer in Matthew 6:9.

These basic principles He gives us are in Mat. 6:6(NIV) -"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Here we see five (5) principles for a prayer.
  1. Make time to pray - "when you pray"
  2. Have a place to pray - "go into your room"
  3. Have privacy - "close the door"
  4. Pray to God only - "pray to your Father" (Specific Person-why? People pray to other idols and gods). "Our Father in Heaven" Matthew 6:9
  5. God will answer prayer - "Then your Father will reward you"
We should consider Jesus Christ lessons about prayer very carefully. The verse of Mat 6:6 Jesus' teaches us that to conduct our personal prayer is simple and concise. He teaches the necessity to bring our request to God, and assures us His willingness to hear and answer our prayers. Jesus later said to His disciples in John 16:24 - "Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete."

On my next post I will discuss the questions many people have "What God expect from us in prayer".

Until then, you have a blessed day and rememeber you can follow me at twitter.

Your Brother in Christ

Christian Blogger
Follow me at Twitter.com/prayerlighthous

Monday, August 24, 2009

What is the "Nature of a Prayer"?

A well beloved prayer that our Lord Jesus Christ taught His disciples known as "The Lord Prayer", was obviously given to be used as a model in how to pray (Mat.6:9a). The most intriging part in this "Lord Prayer" is how Jesus teaches us many precious lessons about the nature of prayer.
  1. Such prayer is based upon our relationship with God as our Father of all who believe in His Son (see John 1:12) can only truly call God, "Our Father" (Matthew 6:9).
  2. You must begin the prayer with an attitude of worship "hollowed be thy name" - Our absolute knowledge of God's holiness, who He is and does.
  3. A sense of in our petition, that our prayer must first seek His kingdom (Mat.5:33), and its coming down from Heaven.
  4. True prayer accepts in advance the will of God, whether it is known or unknown, whether granted or not granted.
  5. A prayer should always envision the divine will and kingdom as objectives which will certainly be realized on earth.
  6. Prayer may be hinder when the fellowship of the children with their Father is broken because of sin (see Mat. 6:12, 15 & Mark 11:25).
  7. We as children of God must not merely know how to pray but we must be divenely taught to pray.

We must have an element of thanksgiving in our prayer (Php 4:6-7) and we are commanded by our Lord to pray in His name (John 16:23-24).

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